Face to face : President Jin talks to medical students

Release Date:2022-01-01Views:656

“The two phrases ‘sense of separation’ and ‘sense of integration’ speak the truth of what every one of us has experienced during our growth. We constantly go through ‘phase changes’, and sometimes such changes can make you uncomfortable, but it is not necessarily a bad thing,” said President of Fudan University and Dean of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University Jin Li, who talked with the students from Shanghai Medical College about their study and campus life at a president-student meeting on December 28.

Hard Work and Humanistic Care

“I hope to become a person who is caring, who thinks critically and who lives a positive life,” said Zhang Yue. Weeks ago, a report of her frequent visit to Fudan’s medical library went viral on the Internet as she visited the library for 1,424 times and studied there for over 2,325 hours in total over the past year. As a preventive medicine major, she’s devoted to informing others of medical knowledge through lectures. She also offered online tutoring for the children of medics’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’re pleased to see so many medical students have voluntarily joined the pandemic prevention and control with their professional knowledge,” said Wang Xiaoli, president of Student Management Association of Keqing College, which has carried out a series of volunteer service projects in partnership with Fudan’s affiliated hospitals, residential communities, Shanghai Library, Shanghai Museum of Anti-drug Scientific Education, etc. in the past, and established a volunteer pool of more than 100 people which is updated every semester.

“We grow with a heart of devotion that is critical to medical professions, while committing ourselves to learning professional skills,” said Yang Kangqi, a clinical medicine major, who won the championship in the Third Belt and Road Youth English Speaking Competition for University Students and the China Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition.

Ideas on Curriculum and Research

“Every suggestion we put forward has been given due consideration.” Wang Xiaoli, a medical student, said with excitement. She shared her views on the curriculum and research at the meeting.

Yao Feibai, who majors in clinical medicine, said that interdisciplinary development is inevitable nowadays, for instance, as the Winter Olympics are just around the corner, talents with academic backgrounds in nursing and sports are in need to improve athletes’ performance, and he thinks there are countless possibilities for the integration of every other discipline with medicine.

“In the general education stage, I hope to have more courses of different fields or have these courses at advanced levels,” said Hang Zhen, a clinical medicine major.

“General education provides us with more channels to see the world,” said Zheng Luhan, a clinical medicine major, who looks forward to more general education courses on Fenglin Canpus.

“Basic medicine is a research-oriented major. Students of this major should improve their thinking and experimental ability during their undergraduate study, thus laying a foundation for postgraduate study,” said Ren Yuchen, a basic medicine major, who suggested that training in students’ thinking and basic scientific research capability should be strengthened during their sophomore and junior years, so as to cultivate their interest in scientific research at an early stage.

“Our student organizations should forge more platforms for exchanges to promote medical students’ scientific research capability. We can invite experts and scholars to give speeches, and carry out more academic exchanges between students and professionals,” said Ye Quanwei, director of Working Committee of Fudan University Graduate Union on Fenglin Campus.

Pursuit of Interdisciplinary Development

My PhD project was inspired by an inadvertent conversation I had with a materials science professor at an outpatient clinic. The integration of medicine and other disciplines, such as materials science, chemistry and physics, is a major force that is driving breakthroughs in the development of medicine,” said Wang Zhengmin, a doctorate student in cardiology.

Students attending the meeting also expressed the desire for acquiring a wider range of knowledge through interdisciplinary education. Guo Kun, a preventive medicine major, said he expected theall-round development through interdisciplinary study.

Ma Zhonghui, a master’s student in epidemiology and health statistics, said she was able to broaden vision and strengthen exchanges with others through participating in student activities.

Reflecting on the Pains of Growing Up

“In my senior year, I found that some students from other majorsgraduallydisappeared from my chats tab, leaving only those who are of my major, ” said Chen Tianhui, a master’s student in ophthalmology.

“To become a qualified medicine major graduate, we need to transform our mindset from a high school student into that of a university student, to take more professional courses, and to learn more theories and practices of clinical medicine.” Chen Tianhui reviewed her seven years of study at Fudan and summed up her feelings as “a sense of separation and a sense of integration”.

“I have participated in a group psychology course organized by the university. The tutors helped us cope with our academic and life pressure and interpersonal relationship with their professional advice. I gained a better understanding of our career and life, so I hope there will be more activities like this,” said Maimaitimin,who majors in clinic medicine.

President Jin Li said the ideas proposed by students would help improve the university’s development. He spoke highly of students’ thirst for knowledge and pursuit of interdisciplinary education, and acknowledged their enthusiasm for life and study.

Jin also shared his thoughts on general education, and he believes general education may not help students solve their problems in their study in the short term, but will certainly facilitate their growth and development in the long run. “General education is not about teaching knowledge, which is just a carrier in the general education system, but about fostering one’s independent thinking capability, broadening one’s vision and laying foundation for one’s future development,” said Jin.

When speaking of the point of studying in university, Jin said, “One important thing to learn in university is knowledge, and the other ability. In fact, everyone has different needs. The university provides a stage for everyone seeking for personal development. As students, you should make full use of the resources to strive to become the best of yourselves and become contributors to our country and the people.”

Wu Fan, deputy dean of Shanghai Medical College, Xu Jun, deputy chair of university council and vice president of Shanghai Medical College, etc. also attended the meeting.
